As per my understanding, Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS) allows getting credentials for admin and user identities. Can the user identity be an AD app or a managed identity?
I'm writing .Net code. Can you provide some sample where we can get the user credentials from AKS cluster by using AD app credentials, assuming I have already done AD integration with my AKS cluster and have already assigned the appropriate role binding for my AD app?
The security section here - needs implicit flow. How does implicit flow work for AD app credentials?
You can use Implicit grant flow to get access token.
You'll need the Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster User built-in role to access an Azure AD enabled cluster.
Get the user credentials to access the cluster:
az aks get-credentials --resource-group myResourceGroup --name MyManagedCluster
Or use List Cluster User Credentials API.
Because Get Access Profile API will be deprecated in the futhure.