I would like to know what below HQL statement returns and how to iterate it,
String hql0="select distinct d.dept_name as Dept_Name "+
" from com.gavs.beans.Department as d";
org.hibernate.query.Query q0 = session.createQuery(hql0);
List r0=q0.list();
Now I couldn't find how to iterate this list using for loop. This is my problem. Thank You.
I iterated the list as shown below,
String hql0="select distinct d.dept_name as Dept_Name "+
" from com.gavs.beans.Department as d";
org.hibernate.query.Query q0 = session.createQuery(hql0);
List r0=q0.getResultlist(); //Instead of using list(), I used getResultList()
for(Object o:r0)
This will print all the department names of the entity Department.