But can i implement face authentication using biometric prompt or any other android api's in my app. If no, are there any sdk which I can use to implement this feature in my app??
You can use the BiometricPrompt class to create a prompt dialog that just uses any biometric credential the user has initialized (e.g. fingerprint but also face). You can create a authentication dialog with the following steps:
dependencies {
implementation 'androidx.biometric:biometric:1.0.1'
private Executor executor;
private BiometricPrompt biometricPrompt;
private BiometricPrompt.PromptInfo promptInfo;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
executor = ContextCompat.getMainExecutor(this);
biometricPrompt = new BiometricPrompt(MainActivity.this,
executor, new BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback() {
public void onAuthenticationSucceeded(
@NonNull BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult result) {
// authenticated
public void onAuthenticationFailed() {
// authentication failed
promptInfo = new BiometricPrompt.PromptInfo.Builder()
.setTitle("Biometric Authentication")
.setSubtitle("Log in with your biometric credentials")
The dialog will be displayed by calling this method:
Check the android doc for further information.