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Export Weka Fiji plugin segmentation as ROI

I am using Imagej/Fiji Weka plugin for classifying different regions of the image and I would like to obtain those regions for further processing… (as Rois? a table with the classes?)

So in the end I want to get the area for each of the segmented classes.. I need to script this task as it is part of a pipeline… But not sure how to do extract the results from Weka Imagej Plugin…

Actually this code example is just to illustrate the idea.. Anyone has a basic example on applying a classifier and exporting results? Thank you in advance

import trainableSegmentation.*;
import ij.IJ;
import ij.ImagePlus;

// input train image
input  = IJ.openImage( someImage.jpg" );

// create Weka Segmentation object
segmentator = new WekaSegmentation( input );

// load classifier from file
segmentator.loadClassifier( "classifier.model" );

result = segmentator.applyClassifier( input );


  • You have a couple of answers about that in the forum:

    That being said, you can also directly use the resulting label image for measurement within other plugins, such as the ones from MorphoLibJ (after installation, under Plugins > MorphoLibJ > Analyze).