I have a HTTP
response. I am trying to get the value for one of the header from it using scala
My code looks similar to below:
import scalaj.http.Http
val result = Http("http:///sample.com")
.header("Content-Type", "application")
.header("Accept", "text/plain")
val headers = result.headers.mkString
println("Headers: " + headers)
The headers look similar to below:
Cache-Control -> Vector(no-Store)
Content-Type -> Vector(text/html;charset=ISO-8859-l)
Set-Cookie -> Vector(SESSIONID=D122334;path=/a/b/c;SSO=000112233445)
Out of this header, I want to extract SSO value alone. Using below code, I am able to print them properly.
for((k,v) <- result.headers) println(s"key: $k\nvalue: $v\n")
Getting following result:
key: Cache-Control
value: Vector(no-Store)
key: Content-Type
value: Vector(text/html;charset=ISO-8859-l)
key: Set-Cookie
value: Vector(SESSIONID=D122334;path=/a/b/c;SSO=000112233445)
I want to extract the data for SSO
under key Set-Cookie
I am aware of how to achieve this using python
I am pretty new to Scala. Can some one please help me out here?
Use cookies
methods and filter cookie by name
val ssoToken = Http("http:///sample.com")
.header("Content-Type", "application")
.header("Accept", "text/plain")
.find(_.getName == "SSO")
You will get Some("tokenValue")
when token is found, if you want to get it as String
, you can do the following
ssoToken.getOrElse(sys.error("SSO Token not found"))
It will throw an exception if token is not found