I'd like to display a Wizard using a materialDesign:Transitioner
and also a DialogHost
to display DialogBox with MaterialDesignInXamlToolkit library in WPF
Indeed, I'd like to make a Wizard
using materialDesign:Transitioner
into a materialDesign:DialogHost
centered, but materialDesign:DialogHost
can't be stacked to display several DialogBoxes : One for the materialDesign:Transitioner
and one for the DialogBox.
Below is a sample code :
<materialDesign:DialogHost x:Name="RootDialogHost" Identifier="RootDialog" SnackbarMessageQueue="{Binding ElementName=MainSnackbar, Path=MessageQueue}" IsOpen="{Binding GlobalDataVM.IsMessageDialogOpen}" DialogContent="{Binding GlobalDataVM.MessageDialogContent}" CloseOnClickAway="False" DialogClosing="DialogHost_OnDialogClosing">
<materialDesign:DrawerHost Margin="64" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" BorderThickness="2" BorderBrush="{DynamicResource MaterialDesignDivider}">
<!-- The Wizard -->
<!-- the transitioner will manage your transitions. notice how SelectedIndex is set to zero: the first slide (instead of the default of -1) -->
<materialDesign:Transitioner Grid.Row="1" SelectedIndex="0" AutoApplyTransitionOrigins="True">
<!-- you can use a slide for each page, let's add a touch of fade for our first page -->
<materialDesign:TransitionerSlide OpeningEffect="{materialDesign:TransitionEffect FadeIn}">
<!-- you can use a slide for each page, let's add a touch of fade for our first page -->
<materialDesign:TransitionerSlide OpeningEffect="{materialDesign:TransitionEffect FadeIn}">
<local:Slide1_Intro />
<!-- but you can use bare xaml too -->
<local:Slide2_Intro />
<!-- you can control (and create your own) wipes -->
<materialDesign:CircleWipe />
<materialDesign:SlideWipe Direction="Right" />
<local:Slide3_Intro />
<!-- now we are going to slide this in by combining some extra effects. the inner content slides in, so we'll set the outer background and clip, to keep things nice -->
<materialDesign:TransitionerSlide Background="{DynamicResource MaterialDesignDarkBackground}"
Foreground="{DynamicResource MaterialDesignDarkForeground}"
<materialDesign:TransitionEffect Kind="SlideInFromLeft" Duration="0:0:0.8" />
<materialDesign:TransitionEffect Kind="SlideInFromBottom" Duration="0:0:0.8" OffsetTime="0:0:0.15" />
<local:Slide4_CombineTransitions />
So is it possible to do it in an another way ?
A materialDesign:DialogHost
cannot stack several DialogBoxes, but several materialDesign:DialogHost
can be nested : One for a DialogBox hosting the Wizard and one for the DialogBox over the Wizard.
Like this :
<materialDesign:DialogHost x:Name="RootDialogHost" Identifier="RootDialog" SnackbarMessageQueue="{Binding ElementName=MainSnackbar, Path=MessageQueue}" IsOpen="{Binding GlobalDataVM.IsMessageDialogOpen}" DialogContent="{Binding GlobalDataVM.MessageDialogContent}" CloseOnClickAway="False" DialogClosing="DialogHost_OnDialogClosing">
<!-- The Wizard -->
<materialDesign:Transitioner Grid.Row="1" SelectedIndex="0" AutoApplyTransitionOrigins="True">
<materialDesign:DialogHost x:Name="WizardDialogHost" Identifier="WizardDialog" SnackbarMessageQueue="{Binding ElementName=MainSnackbar, Path=MessageQueue}" IsOpen="{Binding GlobalDataVM.IsWizardMessageDialogOpen}" DialogContent="{Binding GlobalDataVM.WizardMessageDialogContent}" CloseOnClickAway="False" DialogClosing="DialogHost_WizardOnDialogClosing">
// ...
Hopes it will help.