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How to add a nhibernate transaction to ninject?

how can I make it so on every http request I start a transaction and at the end I commit my transactions?

I am already using InRequestScope for my sessions and have this for my ninject.

public class NhibernateSessionFactory
        public ISessionFactory GetSessionFactory()
           ISessionFactory fluentConfiguration = Fluently.Configure()
                                                  .Database(MsSqlConfiguration.MsSql2008.ConnectionString(c => c.FromConnectionStringWithKey("ConnectionString")))
                                                  .Mappings(m => m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf<Map>().Conventions.Add(ForeignKey.EndsWith("Id")))
                                                  .ExposeConfiguration(cfg => cfg.SetProperty("adonet.batch_size", "20"))

            return fluentConfiguration;

        private static void BuidSchema(NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration config)
            new NHibernate.Tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport(config).Create(false, true);

public class NhibernateSessionFactoryProvider : Provider<ISessionFactory>
        protected override ISessionFactory CreateInstance(IContext context)
            var sessionFactory = new NhibernateSessionFactory();
            return sessionFactory.GetSessionFactory();

  public class NhibernateModule : NinjectModule
        public override void Load()
            Bind<ISession>().ToMethod(context => context.Kernel.Get<ISessionFactory>().OpenSession()).InRequestScope();


I know have ninject set to OnActivation and OnDeactivation

but what I am finding weird is this.

   -- statement #1
begin transaction with isolation level: Unspecified

-- statement #2
select TOP ( 1 /* @p0 */ ) student0_.StudentId         

-- statement #3
begin transaction with isolation level: Unspecified

-- statement #4
select TOP ( 1 /* @p0 */ ) student0_.StudentId   

-- statement #5
select courseperm0_.PermissionId    

-- statement #6
begin transaction with isolation level: Unspecified

-- statement #7
commit transaction

-- statement #8
SELECT this_.TaskReminderId as TaskRemi1_13_0_

-- statement #9
SELECT this_.ReminderId                as ReminderId0_2_,

-- statement #10
SELECT this_.ReminderId                as ReminderId8_2_,

The above is from the profiler but I stripped away most of the query as I did not think is relivent to the problem.

Look how is all of sudden for statement 8,9,10 it does not make a transaction for. But before that it made 3. I don't understand this.

Edit 2

I found this post

 .OnActivation(session =>
                session.FlushMode = FlushMode.Commit;

It seems this does help a bit with my problem(still have the problem with lazy loading). I am wondering why this works though and if something can go wrong by using this.


  • Add activation/deactivaion actions to your session binding:

    .OnActivation(session => session.Transaction.Begin())
    public void CommitTransaction(ISession session)
        catch(Exception e)
            // Add some exception handling (rollback, show error to user, ...) 