I'm writing a function in C that takes in a float base and int power, and calculates base^power
So far I have:
float powIteration(float base, int power){
if (power == 0){
return 1;
else if (power > 0){
for (int i = 0; i <= power; i++){
base *= base;
return base;
else if (power < 0){
for (int i = 0; i <= power; i++){
base *= base;
return 1/base;
I've already solved this using recursion. But I also want to do it using iteration. But for some reason, this code results in stuff like 2^-2 = 0.5
Furthermore, would this method even fulfill what would be called an "iterative approach"?
Answered the last one instantly just by the first mistake I found, so I figured I'd go test and help you out with this.
Firstly you are changing your base
each iteration, and you don't want that, else you won't have a value to multiply every time, but one different every iteration. Just like pm100 said: you have to remember your original base. example: using base=2
and power=-3
i=0 -> base *= base; 2*2 = 4;
i=1 -> now base is 4 so: 4*4 = 16;
i=2 -> now base is 8 so: 8*8 = 64; and you want it to be 2*2*2
and finally 1/value
will give you the correct answer
Also in your negative for loop: You are making your for loop start at 0
, if your power is, let's say -2
, then it doesn't meet your running condition i <= power
because your i
is always > power
should make it something like this:
for (int i = power+1; i<0; i++)
I did some changes for you:
float powIteration(float base, int power){
float num=base;
if (power == 0){
return 1;
}else if (power > 0){
for (int i = 1; i < power; i++){
return num;
}else if (power < 0){
for (int i = power+1; i<0; i++){
return 1/num;