This may be a stupid question but there's a OneToOneRingBuffer and a ManyToOneRingBuffer available in aeron (agrona). I have a single producer and many consumers I'm wondering how to achieve the equivalent effect of OneToManyRingBuffer?
and BroadcastReceiver
in Agrona is one approach that would give you one-to-many semantics.
Worth noting that slow consumers may see messages dropped. If this is not desired then you could also look at Aeron IPC which would exert back-pressure on the publisher in this scenario.
Top-level, here's how to use it:
// Create broadcast buffer
int capacity = 1 << 10; // Must be power of two
int bufferSize = capacity + BroadcastBufferDescriptor.TRAILER_LENGTH;
UnsafeBuffer broadcastBuffer = new UnsafeBuffer(new byte[bufferSize]);
// Create transmitter
BroadcastTransmitter transmitter = new BroadcastTransmitter(broadcastBuffer);
// Create receiver (can create many of these)
BroadcastReceiver broadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver(broadcastBuffer);
CopyBroadcastReceiver copyBroadcastReceiver = new CopyBroadcastReceiver(broadcastReceiver);
// Send message
int msgTypeId = 1;
MutableDirectBuffer msgBuffer = new ExpandableArrayBuffer();
int msgLength = msgBuffer.putStringWithoutLengthAscii(0, "Hello World!");
transmitter.transmit(msgTypeId, msgBuffer, 0, msgLength);
// Receive message
(msgType, buffer, offset, length) -> System.out.println(buffer.getStringWithoutLengthAscii(offset, length)));