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Multiple Traveling Salemans Problem with MIP

I've been trying to implement a mTSP in a normal TSP using the already made code in MIP Link

So this is the code I have so far in python and its throwing me an error which I don't understand:

places = ['Antwerp', 'Bruges', 'C-Mine', 'Dinant', 'Ghent',
          'Grand-Place de Bruxelles', 'Hasselt', 'Leuven',
          'Mechelen', 'Mons', 'Montagne de Bueren', 'Namur',
          'Remouchamps', 'Waterloo']


# distances in an upper triangular matrix
dists = [[83, 81, 113, 52, 42, 73, 44, 23, 91, 105, 90, 124, 57],
         [161, 160, 39, 89, 151, 110, 90, 99, 177, 143, 193, 100],
         [90, 125, 82, 13, 57, 71, 123, 38, 72, 59, 82],
         [123, 77, 81, 71, 91, 72, 64, 24, 62, 63],
         [51, 114, 72, 54, 69, 139, 105, 155, 62],
         [70, 25, 22, 52, 90, 56, 105, 16],
         [45, 61, 111, 36, 61, 57, 70],
         [23, 71, 67, 48, 85, 29],
         [74, 89, 69, 107, 36],
         [117, 65, 125, 43],
         [54, 22, 84],
         [60, 44],

# number of nodes and list of vertices
n, V, S = len(dists), set(range(len(dists))), set(range(len(salesman)))

# distances matrix
c = [[0 if i == j
      else dists[i][j-i-1] if j > i
      else dists[j][i-j-1]
      for j in V] for i in V]

model = Model()

# binary variables indicating if arc (i,j) is used on the route or not
x = [[[model.add_var(var_type=BINARY) for j in V] for i in V] for s in S]

# objective function: minimize the distance
model.objective = minimize(xsum(c[i][j]*x[i][j][s] for i in V for j in V for s in S))

The error is:

IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-52-8550246fcd90> in <module>
     49 # objective function: minimize the distance
---> 50 model.objective = minimize(xsum(c[i][j]*x[i][j][s] for i in V for j in V for s in S))

~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mip/ in xsum(terms)
   1453     """
   1454     result = mip.LinExpr()
-> 1455     for term in terms:
   1456         result.add_term(term)
   1457     return result

<ipython-input-52-8550246fcd90> in <genexpr>(.0)
     49 # objective function: minimize the distance
---> 50 model.objective = minimize(xsum(c[i][j]*x[i][j][s] for i in V for j in V for s in S))

IndexError: list index out of range

And it doesn't make sense to me since I created just another summation. Thank you very much in advance.


  • This is a Python issue, not a Gurobi issue. You don't completely understand how nested list-comprehensions work.

    We can reproduce this with:

    x = [[["x%s%s%s" % (i,j,k) for i in range(2)] for j in range(2)] for k in range(3)]
    i = 0
    j = 0
    k = 2

    The x is not x[i][j][k] but rather x[k][j][i]. So in the above example we see:

    [[['x000', 'x100'], ['x010', 'x110']], [['x001', 'x101'], ['x011', 'x111']], [['x002', 'x102'], ['x012', 'x112']]]
    IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-13-a2e90cc605ea> in <module>()
          4 j = 0
          5 k = 2
    ----> 6 x[i][j][k]
    IndexError: list index out of range

    If we would have entered:

    i = 0
    j = 0
    k = 2

    we would see:


    Conclusion: try:

    x = [[[model.add_var(var_type=BINARY) for s in S] for j in V] for i in V]