I need some help with my instance of Db2 on Cloud. I need to execute a command for setting DB2_COMPATIBILITY_VECTOR. For example I need to define
, but I can't do it using IBM DATA SERVER DRIVER or the IBM console.
How can I set it or check that it was already set?
The systems are managed. You can configure Oracle compatibility when you provision the database. There is a option switch in the provisioning form:
That option is not available on the Lite plan because that database is shared.
When you already have provisioned your service instance, you could check some of the values using:
select * from sysibmadm.dbcfg
See DB2_COMPATIBILITY_VECTOR for some database configurations set, e.g., number_compat and varchar2_compat. The should be shown as set in the output.
select * from sysibmadm.dbcfg where name like '%compat'
You can also query environment variables using ENV_GET_REG_VARIABLES:
select substr(reg_var_value,1,20) as VALUE,
substr(reg_var_on_disk_value,1,20) as ON_DISK_VALUE
from table(env_get_reg_variables(-1))
where reg_var_name = 'DB2_COMPATIBILITY_VECTOR'