I have created a Reservation resource. I implemented Devise so when you want to create a new reservation you have to login or create an account. What I want is that when a reservation is created, the user name of the current user is assigned to it so then I can filter reservations by username.
You want to use an association, check it out here: https://guides.rubyonrails.org/association_basics.html
On your reservations
table, you can add a reference to the User table via user_id
, and then have a belongs_to :user
Then you can show the username by doing reservation.user.name
wherever you need.
To add the reference, run the following: rails g migration AddUserToReservations user:references
Which will generate the following:
class AddUserToReservations < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_reference :reservations, :user, index: true
and run your migrations rails db:migrate
Then, to assign the user to the reservation you should add a line like this in the create
action of your reservations_controller.rb
if @reservation.save
@reservation.user = current_user