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bit twiddling : checking non-negative integers as difference of powers of 2

Problem : To check if a non-negative integer is of form 2^j - 2^k where j>=k>=0 i.e. difference of powers of 2. My solution : The number n (say) can be represented as contiguous sequence of 1's for eg. 00011110. I will turn off the contiguous sequence(right most) of 1's and do a zero check on n. What I do here is that, steps for solution 00011110 00011111(turn on trailing 0's) 00000000(then turn off trailing 1's). Using this formula (x | (x - 1)) & ((x | (x - 1)) + 1). But a more efficient formula(maybe because of less number of operation) which does not uses literals is ((x & -x) + x) & x followed by a zero check. And I can't understand this but it's written it does the same thing, but just can't derive the formula from my result. Can someone explain this to me?

EDIT : 32-bit word, 2's complement


  • You asked for an algebraic proof connecting the two expressions, so here is one, but with some non-simple steps

    ((x | (x - 1)) + 1) & (x | (x - 1))
    // rename x | (x - 1) into blsfill(x)
    (blsfill(x) + 1) & blsfill(x)
    // the trailing zeroes that get filled on the right side of the & don't matter,
    // they end up being reset by the & anyway
    (blsfill(x) + 1) & x
    // filling the trailing zeroes and adding 1,
    // is the same thing as skipping the trailing zeroes and adding the least-set-bit
    (x + blsi(x)) & x
    // rewrite blsi into elementary operations
    (x + (x & -x)) & x