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How do I read project dependencies from pyproject.toml from my, to avoid duplicating the information in both files?

We're upgrading to use BeeWare's Briefcase 0.3.1 for packaging, which uses pyproject.toml instead of to specify how to package, including which dependencies to include in a package.

Here's a minimal example of a pyproject.toml for briefcase:

formal_name = "exampleapp"
description = "something"
requires = ['PyQt5', 'qtconsole']
sources = ['exampleapp']

We'd like to access the list of requires from, so we wouldn't have to replicate it in both files, and keep them in sync. We're not ready to switch away from setuptools, this is only for packaging. The alternative is of course to let auto-generate the pyproject.toml file, but that seems a little backwards to the intention with PEP 518.


  • This answer might be outdated. I do not have time to investigate right now. I recommend checking the briefcase resources for more up-to-date information. For example this section of the doc might be relevant:

    As far as I can tell, briefcase isn't actually PEP 517 compatible (at least not by default). It uses a pyproject.toml file, but doesn't fill up the [build-system] section, so it should be possible to set an actual PEP 517 build backend in that file without causing conflict.


    build-backend = 'setuptools.build_meta'
    requires = [
    formal_name = 'exampleapp'
    description = 'something'
    requires = ['PyQt5', 'qtconsole']
    sources = ['exampleapp']

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import pathlib
    import pkg_resources
    import setuptools
    import toml
    def _parse_briefcase_toml(pyproject_path, app_name):
        pyproject_text = pyproject_path.read_text()
        pyproject_data = toml.loads(pyproject_text)
        briefcase_data = pyproject_data['tool']['briefcase']
        app_data = briefcase_data['app'][app_name]
        setup_data = {
            'name': pkg_resources.safe_name(app_data['formal_name']),
            'version': briefcase_data['version'],
            'install_requires': app_data['requires'],
            # ...
        return setup_data
    def _setup():
        app_name = 'exampleapp'
        pyproject_path = pathlib.Path('pyproject.toml')
        setup_data = _parse_briefcase_toml(pyproject_path, app_name)
    if __name__ == '__main__':

    Then pip and other PEP 517-compatible frontends should be able to build and install the project by delegating to setuptools while taking care to correctly setup a build environment containing both setuptools and toml.

    I guess it would be also possible to let briefcase handle the parsing of the pyproject.toml file (maybe with briefcase.config.parse_config(...)) but it's not documented so I don't know how stable these APIs are.