I am trying to define the cell of a style using cellStyle but the information available on that is only the field associated to it. But I need to customize it according to other field information.
I saw this pull request da08676 but still I am not being able to use it.
When I do something like:
cellStyle: (value, rowData) => {
return {backgroundColor: {rowData.color}}
rowData is undefined.
It can actually be solved by using the 2 parameters function passed to cellStyle.
cellStyle: (cellValue, rowData) => {
console.log({ cellValue, rowData });
// `rowData.color` will not be defined...
// neither will `rowData.tableData.color`...
return { backgroundColor: 'purple' }
The full answer can be found here: https://github.com/mbrn/material-table/issues/1991#issuecomment-640131927