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How do I pass parameters to a running batch program by another one


foo.bat :
@echo off
start bar.bat 2 3
set result=//somehow return the value
echo %result%

bar.bat :
@echo off
set int1=%1
set int2=%2
set /a result=%int1%+%int2%
//somehow send the result to the running foo.bat

can someone give me an idea on how to do this. I can only think about writing a file and checking in a for loop if the file exists and what it contains. But this is way complicated in my opinion. Thanks in advance.


  • The batch file foo.bat must be written as follows:

    @echo off
    call "%~dp0bar.bat" 2 3
    echo Result is: %result%

    The batch file bar.bat must be written as follows:

    @echo off
    set "int1=%~1"
    set "int2=%~2"
    set /A result=int1 + int2

    The batch file foo.bat calls batch file bar.bat which means after processing of bar.bat the Windows command processor continues processing foo.bat with next command in that batch file after command CALL. Both batch files are processed by same cmd.exe and share the same list of environment variables.

    That is not the case on using start bar.bat as this results in starting one more cmd.exe with its own list of environment variables for processing the batch file bar.bat being executed parallel by second instance of cmd.exe while first instance of cmd.exe continues processing foo.bat immediately after starting second cmd.exe.

    The batch file foo.bat could be also written as:

    @echo off
    setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
    call :DoMath 2 3
    echo Result is: %result%
    exit /B
    set "int1=%~1"
    set "int2=%~2"
    set /A result=int1 + int2
    goto :EOF

    Everything below DoMath is now a subroutine which can be called multiple times from main code of foo.bat.

    It is important that the batch files do not contain exit without parameter /B which results always in exiting cmd.exe processing the batch independent on calling hierarchy and independent on how cmd.exe was started before executing the batch file.

    To understand the commands used and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read the displayed help pages for each command, entirely and carefully.

    • call /? ... explains also %~dp0 ... drive and path of argument 0 which is the full path of the batch file always ending with a backslash.
    • echo /?
    • exit /?
    • goto /?
    • pause /?
    • set /?
    • setlocal /?
    • start /? ... not used anymore

    See also: