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Google Cloud Platform serving static sites over HTTPS?

I have multiple one page apps (static sites) in buckets on google cloud storage. Each app can access the information it needs from one API running on a google app engine.

I can serve the one page apps by pointing the CName of each domain to, but it doesn't serve it over HTTPS, just HTTP.

My question is:

1) why does google storage not serve contents of buckets via HTTPS if I use a custom domain?
2) How can I serve content on google cloud storage via HTTPS?

NOTE: From my basic understanding of google load balancers, I can serve the content of buckets via HTTPS if I point the domain to the load balancer, but then I would need a load balancer for each app. Those load balancers are too expensive. Is it possible to have one load balancer for all apps maybe?


  • You don't need a load balancer for each app. You can add multiple backends to a single load balancer and each backend can be connected to a separate storage bucket (that would be app specific). You can then add a hostname mapping on the load balancer per application, that will proxy requests to the correct backend bucket based on the Host-header in the request. You can also add path mapping to these rules if necessary.