Suppose I had a SELECT SQL query and I wanted to return a structure e.g. for first 3 rows:
0: {'ColName0': 'Col1RowValue0', 'ColName1': 'Col1RowValue0'},
1: {'ColName0': 'Col0RowValue1', 'ColName1': 'Col1RowValue1'},
2: {'ColName0': 'Col0RowValue2', 'ColName1': 'Col1RowValue2'}
I get close with the below but I can't get the outer index structure to work: {0:{},1:{}}
with read_con.cursor() as cur:
column_names = [col[0] for col in cur.description]
temp_d = [dict(zip(column_names, row))
for row in cur.fetchall()]
cursor is from pyodbc
You need a dict comprehension
with enumerate
temp_d = {i : dict(zip(column_names, row)) for i, row in enumerate(cur.fetchall())}