I am using this plugin called https://pub.dev/packages/android_alarm_manager .It says please set your constraint to android_alarm_manager: '>=0.4.y+x <2.0.0'
I dont understand what is the meaning of this y+x.I found a similar question but still I couldnt clearly figure out the meaning .My alarm manager plugin is not working properly on real devices though it works properly on the emulator or say in debug mode on my phone and I am thinking this has something to do with.
If you know as to any other reason as to why the alarm_manager plugin doesnt function properly on real devices please tell me and it will help me
This android_alarm_manager: '>=0.4.y+x <2.0.0'
doesn't mean that you have to use 0.4.y+x
. Basically all it means that you need to use a version that starts with 0.4
. You can check the latest versions here:
In your pubspec.yaml
, add the following:
android_alarm_manager: ^0.4.5+11