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Why is custom domain for Github pages not serving pages for other repositories?

Github's About custom domains and GitHub Pages forum reads,

After you configure a custom domain for a user or organization site, the custom domain will replace the <user> or <organization> portion of the URL for any project sites owned by the account that do not have a custom domain configured. For example, if the custom domain for your user site is, and you have a project site with no custom domain configured that is published from a repository called octo-project, the GitHub Pages site for that repository will be available at

This is exactly what I want. I made a home repository <user> (with a basic static html website) for my custom domain and set the custom domain and to direct to <user> as explained in Managing a custom domain for your GitHub Pages site. Here is how it looks.

Domain Settings

I also added a file CNAME in xyz-repo with contents Now and both point to the html in xyz-rep, perfect.

Here is the issue though, I have another repository with Github pages that I can access by <user> but not by or

Any help?


  • It sounds like you manually created the CNAME file. From the docs at,

    Under "Custom domain", type your custom domain, then click Save. This will create a commit that adds a CNAME file in the root of your publishing source.

    I believe Github's system adds the CNAME commit for you: not sure if it will work if you do it? Or maybe there's a specific branch it has to live in? I'd try removing your manually created CNAME file and using the configuration UI.