After Sign is done, my output for "Get Signin" intent is not displayed. Using Google-Sign in
app.intent("redeem", (conv) => {
conv.ask(new SignIn("To redeem "));
app.intent("Get Signin", (conv, params, signin) => {
if (signin.status === 'OK') {
const payload = conv.user.profile.payload;
conv.ask(`I got your account details ${} , how would you like to redeem? `)
conv.ask(new Suggestions(['QR code'], ['code']));
else {
conv.close("Please sign in to redeem");
After a successful sign in I get this message:
When the Sign-In completes, it triggers the actions_intent_SIGN_IN
Dialogflow event. So your "Get Signin" Intent needs to have this set in the Event field, with no training phrases.
It might look something like this
Since you don't have an Event or Training phrases set, that Intent will never be triggered. Instead, when the Sign-in completes, Actions will send the Event, but since there is nothing setup to handle the event in Dialogflow, it will fail to do anything, so it will exit with the error about not responding.