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RegEx to match characters from list except if characters another list are present

I'm trying to build a regex to validate passwords in my application.

This is PCRE (php).

My regex so far looks like this


And my criteria are the following

minimum length:            8
maximum length:            20
require special character: true
require uppercase:         true
require lowercase:         true
require number:            true
special character set:     !@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{}|'
excluded character set:    \/

Everything works but the excluded character set. The idea is the password must not contain any of the characters specified in that list.

Thanks for the help


  • Use


    See proof



    See another proof

    minimum length:            8                    <= {8,20}
    maximum length:            20                   <= {8,20}
    require special character: true                 <= (?=.*[!@#$%^&*()_\-+=[\]{}|'])
    require uppercase:         true                 <= (?=.*[A-Z])
    require lowercase:         true                 <= (?=.*[a-z])
    require number:            true                 <= (?=.*[0-9])
    special character set:     !@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{}|' <= [^\/]
    excluded character set:    \/                   <= [^\/]