In my program I have numerous occurrences of this pattern:
if some_bool:
print(f"some {difficult()} string")
I thought about creating a function for this:
def print_cond(a_bool, a_string):
if a_bool:
print_cond(some_bool, f"some {difficult()} string")
But the consequence of this is that the second parameter is always evaluated, even if some_bool == False. Is there a way to delay the evaluation of the f-string up to the point that it actually gets printed?
You can delay the evaluation of f-string by putting it inside lambda.
For example:
def difficult():
return "Hello World!"
def print_cond(a_bool, a_string):
if a_bool:
print("String is:")
print(a_string()) # <-- note the ()
print_cond(True, lambda: f"some {difficult()} string")
String is:
some Hello World! string