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Find all the substrings in a string that only have a single bracket on both sides

I'm trying to find all the substrings in a string that only have a single bracket on both sides.

Example: '(pop((hello world))(goodbye(now))(hi)jump)'

I would like to get this list: ['(hi)', '(pop((hello world))(goodbye(now))(hi)jump)'] because they are the only substrings that have exactly one bracket on both sides.

(substrings like '(now))(hi)jump)' don't count because they aren't complete).

My code here:

import re
l = '(M264/M274)+(((551/882)+362/(362/551/882)+889)/((551/882)+362/(362/551/882)+889)+(241/242/275/550/551+882/889/362))'
print(re.findall(r"[^\(.](\([^\(.].*?[^\).]\))[^\).]", l))

will return:

['(362/551/882)', '(362/551/882)']

I'm not sure how to make it include (M264/M274). Please assist me.


  • Using a negated character class like [^\(.] and [^\).] match any char that is not listed in the character class and require at least a single char. This part .*? can match any char except a newline, so it can also match parenthesis.

    It does not take balanced parenthesis into account, but if you want to match (M264/M274) like in your question, you could use lookarounds in combination with a negated character class


    In parts

    • (?<!\() Negative lookbehind, assert what is on the left is not (
    • \( Match (
    • [^()]+ Match any char except ( or )
    • \) Match )
    • (?!\)) Negative lookahead, assert what is on the right is not `)

    Regex demo

    If you want to match 2 opening and closing parenthesis, you can also make use of lookarounds and note that this also does not take balanced parenthesis into account.


    In parts (using the same mechanism or lookarounds, only this time using .*?

    • (?<!\() Negative lookbehind, assert what is on the left is not (
    • \(\( Match ((
    • (?!\)) Negative lookahead, assert what is on the right is not `)
    • .*? Match any char except a newline 0+ times
    • \)\) Match ))
    • (?<!\)..) Negative lookbehind, assert not a ) before ))
    • (?!\)) Negative lookahead, assert what is on the right is not `)

    Regex demo