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Syntax Error GraphQL Expected Name, found String

I am trying to implement mutations in GraphQL. I am using GraphQL Play Ground Ui for query.

Here is my mutation :

  createProduct (data :{
     product: "abc", 
     product_status : {
      "1" : {
      order : "done"    


Here is my TypeDef

type Product { 
product : String,
product_status : JSON

But I am getting error in product_status excepted Name but found String as object contains 1 as string. How can i resolve this. I need to store this type of object in My database.Can someone help me to this.

Error Image


  • GraphQL supports strict data typing. So basically you can't have a string as a property key because that would mean it wouldn't know what to deserialize into. Also I'm not sure if JSON is a data type. I know strings and types but not JSON. You coudld have a object like:

    type Product { 
        product : String,
        product_status : ProductStatus
    type ProductStatus {
        id: ID,
        order: String,

    This is how you could design it.