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Different email validation results for different socks5 proxies

I am using Gardener's Library for validating email with socks5 proxies.

When using output is :

{'address': Address(name='', addr='[email protected]', username='om.parikh107950',
domain=''), 'valid_format': True, 'deliverable': True, 'full_inbox': False,
'host_exists': True, 'catch_all': True}

When using output is :

{'address': Address(name='', addr='[email protected]', username='om.parikh107950',
 domain=''), 'valid_format': True, 'deliverable': False, 'full_inbox': False, 
'host_exists': True, 'catch_all': False}

The used email for the above test is INVALID.

  1. Why different proxies are giving different outputs for the same email?

  2. From deliverable, full_inbox and catch_all, which factor or combination of factors I should rely on and why?


  • Why different proxies are giving different outputs for the same email?

    Mail servers employ IP based blacklists in order to catch spam from botnets etc. It might be that one of the proxies you use is on such a blacklists while the other is not.

    From deliverable, full_inbox and catch_all, which factor or combination of factors I should rely on and why?

    It is unclear what you want to do in the first case with the library. But if you want to know if an email is valid than it will not work reliably, no matter which field from the result you look at. Mail servers commonly employ IP based black lists so the results might differ depending from which source IP you send. Mail servers also use Greylisting which means that the first attempt to send might fail but the second succeed, i.e. a ´deliverableofFalsemight be wrong. Mail server can also fail delivery at various stages so adeliverableofTrue` might be wrong too.

    In general, there is no reliable way to verify an email address apart from trying to send to this address and expecting the recipient to acknowledge that the mail got received.