I don't know much about ssl certificates but I need to do ssl termination in haproxy. The team in charge of the certificate gave me a zip file which i assume is an entrust bundle when i check the crt files in it. So it seems like haproxy will only accept pem file(correct me if im wrong) and the bundle i have contains 5 files: ca.crt <domain>.key intermediate.crt root.crt and ServerCertificate.crt
Can anyone help me on how I can convert these to a pem file that haproxy will accept?
You will need to concate everything in one file.
cat ServerCertificate.crt intermediate.crt root.crt ca.crt <domain>.key > <domain>_haproxy.pem
After wards can you configure HAProxy to handle TLS/SSL as described in the doc How to get SSL with HAProxy getting rid of stunnel, stud, nginx or pound