I'm trying to install Qiskit and am coming across an error:
*** WARNING: BLAS library not found.
* You can include the BLAS library in the global environment LDFLAGS, eg
* export LDFLAGS='-L/path/to/blas/lib -lblas'
* or specify the BLAS library path in PYSCF_INC_DIR
* export PYSCF_INC_DIR=/path/to/blas/lib:/path/to/other/lib
I'm on Mac OS El Capitan, and using Python 3.7.
If it helps, I ran np.__config__
to see if I had BLAS installed, and it seemed to work since it returned this:
libraries = ['openblas', 'openblas']
library_dirs = ['/usr/local/lib']
language = c
define_macros = [('HAVE_CBLAS', None)]
So I think this is just an issue with my Qiskit installation. Does anyone know how to fix this?
I got same error and I'm with Sierra.
Assuming you already created and activated an environment with Anaconda, try to run
conda install -c pyscf pyscf
and then again:
pip install qiskit
I got the solution from PySCF's docs.