Platform: Mathematica
I have a table of x and y coordinates belonging to individual connected paths (trajectories):
{{Trajectory, Frame, x, y}, {1, 0, 158.22, 11.519}, {1, 1, 159.132, 11.637}, ... {6649, 1439, 148.35, 316.144}}
in table format it would look like this:
Trajectory Frame x y
1 0 158.22 11.519
1 1 159.13 11.637
1 2 158.507 11.68
1 3 157.971 11.436
1 4 158.435 11.366
1 5 158.626 11.576
2 0 141 12 remove this row, path too short!
2 1 143 15 remove this row, path too short!
2 2 144 16 remove this row, path too short!
2 3 147 18 remove this row, path too short!
3 0 120 400
3 1 121 401
3 2 121 396
3 3 122 394
3 4 121 392
3 5 120 390
3 6 124 388
3 7 125 379
I want to remove any elements/rows where the total length of the trajectory is less than "n" frames/rows/elements (5 frames for this example). The list is ~80k elements long, and I want to remove all the rows containing trajectories under the specified threshold.
For the given example, trajectory 2 exists across only 4 frames, so I want to delete all rows for Trajectory 2.
I am new to Mathematica and I don't even know where to begin. I thought perhaps creating a list that contains the trajectory numbers that have a Count[]
value less than the threshold, then conditionally eliminating any elements that follow that pattern with something like DeleteCases[]
, but I wasn't able to get very far given my limited syntax knowledge.
I appreciate your help and look forward to a solution!
table = {{"Trajectory", "Frame", "x", "y"},
{1, 0, 158.22, 11.519}, {1, 1, 159.13, 11.637},
{1, 2, 158.507, 11.68}, {1, 3, 157.971, 11.436},
{1, 4, 158.435, 11.366}, {1, 5, 158.626, 11.576},
{2, 0, 141, 12}, {2, 1, 143, 15}, {2, 2, 144, 16},
{2, 3, 147, 18}, {3, 0, 120, 400}, {3, 1, 121, 401},
{3, 2, 121, 396}, {3, 3, 122, 394}, {3, 4, 121, 392},
{3, 5, 120, 390}, {3, 6, 124, 388}, {3, 7, 125, 379}};
traj = First /@ Rest[table];
n = 5;
under = First /@ Select[Tally[traj], Last[#] < n &];
discard = Flatten[Position[table[[All, 1]], #] & /@ under];
newtable = Delete[table, List /@ discard]
or alternatively, for the last two lines, this could be faster
discard = Position[table[[All, 1]], _?(MemberQ[under, #] &)];
newtable = Delete[table, discard]