My setters are not setting. I've worked this problem on an off for about a week and a half now. It's like everything falls into place, code compiles and seems like everything is working hunky-dory, but my setters are not setting, even after correctly instantiating two different objects from the derivatives:
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h> // _getch()
#include <string>
#include <ctype.h>
using namespace std;
#define TMSG_LEN_PRICE 0.02 // Price of Text Message
// 1st Derived Class, Text Message
class tMsg
float textMessageInCharacters;
tMsg() {
textMessageInCharacters = 0.0f;
// Getter
int getTextMessageLength()
return textMessageInCharacters;
// Setter
void setTextMessageLength(int textLength)
textMessageInCharacters = textLength;
int main()
string usrInput; // User Input
string tMessage; // Text message string
int vMessage_Min; // Voice message length in minutes
tMsg textService; // Text messaging service
// Menu output for user.
printf("Select an option:\n\nT. Text Message\nV. Voice Message\n\nOption: ");
getline(cin, usrInput);
// Get text message from user
if (usrInput == "t") {
printf("Input your message then hit [ENTER] when done: \nMessage: ");
getline(cin, tMessage);
// Catch exception
catch (exception& ex) {
// Throw exception
cout << ex.what();
// Pause screen wait for user input
// Exit
return 0;
It doesn't really create an output and when I BREAK on certain assignments within the derived classes, the program terminates as if nothing is being assigned. I ensure that the local variables are taking in the assigned values, but something with the instantiation it does not like.
Edit: Shortened Uneccessary Code needed.
Getter Setter were working. You were not calling getter in main. Hope it will help you!
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h> // _getch()
#include <string>
#include <ctype.h>
using namespace std;
#define VMSG_LEN_PRICE 0.03 // Price of Voice Message
#define TMSG_LEN_PRICE 0.02 // Price of Text Message
// Base Class
class qMsg
float messagePrice; // Final Return Price of Messages Voice/Text
qMsg() {
messagePrice = 0.0f;
// Getter
int getMessagePrice()
return messagePrice;
// Setter
void setMessagePrice(float price)
messagePrice = price;
// 1st Derived Class, Text Message
class tMsg : public qMsg
float textMessageInCharacters;
tMsg() {
textMessageInCharacters = 0.0f;
// Setter
void setTextMessageLength(int textLength)
textMessageInCharacters = textLength;
// Getter
int getTextMessageLength()
return textMessageInCharacters;
// 2nd Derived Class, Voice Message
class vMsg : public qMsg
float voiceMessageInMinutes;
vMsg() {
voiceMessageInMinutes = 0.0f;
// Getter
int getVoiceMessageLength()
return voiceMessageInMinutes;
// Setter
void setVoiceMessageLength(int voiceLength)
voiceMessageInMinutes = voiceLength;
int main()
string usrInput; // User Input
string tMessage; // Text message string
int vMessage_Min; // Voice message length in minutes
qMsg commServices; // Voice messaging service
tMsg textService; // Text messaging service
// Menu output for user.
printf("Select an option:\n\nT. Text Message\nV. Voice Message\n\nOption: ");
getline(cin, usrInput);
// Get text message from user
if (usrInput == "t") {
printf("Input your message then hit [ENTER] when done: \nMessage: ");
getline(cin, tMessage);
cout << "GET MESSAGE LENGTH : ";
cout << endl;
else if (usrInput == "v")
// Return minutes for voice message
printf("Input the length of your voice message: ");
cin >> vMessage_Min;
// Catch exception
catch (exception& ex) {
// Throw exception
cout << ex.what();
// Pause screen wait for user input
// Exit
return 0;