Some time ago I enabled Clang diagnostics in Rstudio for Rcpp.
I don't remember exactly how, but it was some line to start it for either here or on another site.
Now every time I edit Rcpp code I get constant Clang updates in the console such as:
clang version 5.0.2 (tags/RELEASE_502/final)
Target: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
TOTAL MEMORY: 41 mb (cpp1exception.cpp)
PERFORMANCE 285 ms (cpp1exception.cpp)
The real problem is that this diagnostic seems to slow down input. I type something, anything, and the the GUI, Rstudio seems to pause, until the Clang output finishes.
So I simply want to turn of the Diagnostics or make it how it was before.
The code to turn it on was found here: Rstudio no autocomplete with Rcpp Armadillo?
Specifically the line .rs.setClangDiagnostics(2)
Once I found that I used .rs.setClangDiagnostics(2) after some searching I found that I need to simply use:
To turn it off, and it did.