I'm working on an optimization problem using the optim function. The function to maximize is a likelihood function. I'm trying a very long list of data sets to be evaluated, and in some cases It gets messy because the lik.function does not converge because of the starting values. The example I provide is one in which the function does not find a solution. So, I would like to know a way to make the optimal function to select the starting values out of a grid of them, to find a solution otherwise to move on. This is my code, I try to make it the shortest I could. I'm sorry I'm using a lot of trycatch.
#data set
thisdata<-matrix(c(0.3014754, -1.8827312, 0.03221715, 0.08229814,
1.7730673, -0.9852836, 0.12997904, 0.04904762,
4.8520303, -1.2527630, 1.00781250, 0.12857143,
1.9582560, -3.0834379, 0.04961323, 0.17430025,
2.2284771, -2.5530445, 0.15824176, 0.08291110,
3.3672958, -1.6218604, 0.25862069, 0.07484568,
3.2358734, -1.3581235, 0.14847512, 0.06984127,
0.5930637, -3.3499041, 0.03696742, 0.51754386,
1.1451323, -3.0012725, 0.09415584, 0.11663597,
1.7147984, -3.3843903, 0.04370370, 0.17231638), nrow = 10, ncol=4, byrow = T)
colnames(thisdata)<-c('eta.obs', 'xi.obs', 'var.eta', 'var.xi')
#likelihood function
lik.to.optim <- function(theta, data){
mu.alpha <- theta[1]
beta <- theta[2]
mu.xi <- theta[3]
sigma2.xi <- theta[4]
sigma2.alpha<- theta[5]
if(sigma2.xi <= 0 | sigma2.alpha <=0 | beta^2*sigma2.xi-sigma2.alpha<0)
Sigma<-matrix(c(beta^2*sigma2.xi-sigma2.alpha, beta*sigma2.xi-sigma2.alpha/beta,
beta*sigma2.xi-sigma2.alpha/beta, sigma2.xi), 2,2)
ris<-sum(dmvnorm(data[,1:2],c(mu.alpha+beta*mu.xi, mu.xi), Sigma, log=T))
#another function calling the previous lik. function
NA.matrix<- matrix(NA, nrow=5, ncol=5)
themle<-tryCatch(optim(unos, lik.to.optim, data=base, control=list(fnscale=-1))$par,
error=function(e) paste= c(NA,NA,NA,NA,NA),
warning=function(w) paste=c(NA,NA,NA,NA,NA))
hessiano0 <- tryCatch(optim(unos, lik.to.optim, data=base, control= list(fnscale=-1),
error=function(e) paste= NA.matrix,
warning=function(w) paste=NA.matrix)
lavar<-tryCatch(solve(-hessiano0), error=function(e) paste= NA.matrix,
warning=function(w) paste=NA.matrix)
se_actual <- sqrt(diag(lavar))
#double check
#using the last mle estimate
init <- themle
ris.par <- tryCatch(optim(init, lik.to.optim, data=base, control=list(fnscale=-1))$par,
error=function(e) paste= c(NA,NA,NA,NA,NA),
warning=function(w) paste=c(NA,NA,NA,NA,NA))
hessiano0 <- tryCatch(optim(ris.par, lik.to.optim, data=base, control= list(fnscale=-1), hessian=T)$hessian,
error=function(e) paste= NA.matrix,
warning=function(w) paste=NA.matrix)
naive_var_a<-tryCatch(solve(-hessiano0), error=function(e) paste= NA.matrix,
warning=function(w) paste=NA.matrix)
} else{
From your comment I guess you want to run a grid search. I'll use a simple example from ?optim
fr <- function(x) { ## Rosenbrock Banana function
x1 <- x[1]
x2 <- x[2]
100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2
The solution for this function is a vector x
of length 2.
So, run a gridSearch
gridSearch(function(x, fr) optim(x, fn = fr)$value,
fr = fr,
levels = list(c(-1, -2), ## the starting values
c(1, 2, 3)))
## 2 variables with 2, 3 levels: 6 function evaluations required.
## $minfun
## [1] 4.731118e-08
## $minlevels
## [1] -1 1
So the best starting values are c(-1, 1)
, which lead
to an objective function value of 4.731118e-08
The objective function values (values
) for the other
starting points (levels
) are also returned.
## $values
## [1] 4.731118e-08 1.605096e-06 4.568377e-07 1.006949e-06
## [5] 1.622874e-06 2.821143e-07
## $levels
## $levels[[1]]
## [1] -1 1
## $levels[[2]]
## [1] -2 1
## $levels[[3]]
## [1] -1 2
## $levels[[4]]
## [1] -2 2
## $levels[[5]]
## [1] -1 3
## $levels[[6]]
## [1] -2 3