I want to ask about localization in SwiftUI for my app but something doesnt work. I maked everything as in the example but for some reason nothing works: https://benoitpasquier.com/localization-swiftui-how-top-preview-localized-content/
This code doesnt work:
.environment(\.locale, .init(identifier: "en"))
without any code just adding Localizable (English) I translate the text in the app into English. And when I try to translate for apps in, say, English and Spanish, I have it automatically translated to English(so the default language was chosen by the system). How do I fix this so that the text is translated using the code at the top?
You can use LocalizedStringKey
In your app:
let greeting: LocalizedStringKey = "Greeting"
let text = Text(greeting)
In your English Localizable.strings
"Greeting" = "Hello";
In your Spanish Localizable.strings
"Greeting" = "Hola";