I am new to Python and now I'm trying to create a game called Pong
Everything looks to work fine but unfortunately, I can't remove a specific element from 2D-Array /List once the ball touches a brick.
Here is my code:
class Brick:
size = 5
bricks = [[0] * size for i in range(size)]
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def createBricks(self):
for x in range(self.size):
for y in range(self.size):
self.bricks[x][y] = Brick(x * 70, y * 40)
def draw(self):
for bricks in self.bricks:
for brick in bricks:
rect(brick.x, brick.y, 50, 20)
In the following method, I want to remove the specific element:
#In my main class
def removeBrick():
for elem in brick.bricks:
for _brick in elem:
if ball.touchesBrick(_brick.x, _brick.y):
#Here I want to remove the element
I have tried many ways with remove() and del but as a result, I couldn't solve it.
Thanks in advance.
using for loops just gives you a copy to the element (so you can't modify it directly). To solve this problem, you should use the enumerate
def removeBrick():
for elem in brick.bricks:
for i, _brick in enumerate(elem):
if ball.touchesBrick(_brick.x, _brick.y):