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Angular Universal set set-cookies in request header

I have anngular Universal SSR application with authentication. I save auth token inside http cookies(set-cookies). Now when I refresh application I see unauthenticated page at first, and after a second it converts to authenticated state.

I understand that this happens because Universals renderer server doesn't pass token from cookies to API when rendering page. So how can I force Universal server to render page in authenticated state?


  • Angular universal does not transfer cookies when using HttpClient (github issue). You can add them manually, using an interceptor.


    import { REQUEST } from '@nguniversal/express-engine/tokens';
    export class CookieInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
      constructor(@Optional() @Inject(REQUEST) private httpRequest) 
      intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler) {
        if (this.httpRequest) //If optional request is provided, we are server side
          req = req.clone(
                Cookie: this.httpRequest.headers.cookie
        return next.handle(req);

    You might get the following error

    Refused to set unsafe header 'Cookie'

    A possible workaround, suggested in this comment, is to bypass xhr2's default security behaviour for unsafe headers

    For angular 7 (and I guess 8), the following works


    import * as xhr2 from 'xhr2';
    xhr2.prototype._restrictedHeaders = {};

    I haven't tested for angular 9, but I think you need a different workaround for the unsafe cookie header

    // activate cookie for server-side rendering
    export class ServerXhr implements XhrFactory {
      build(): XMLHttpRequest {
        xhr2.prototype._restrictedHeaders.cookie = false;
        return new xhr2.XMLHttpRequest();
      providers: [{ provide: XhrFactory, useClass: ServerXhr }],
    export class AppServerModule {}