When I change/update contents of the already published post, updates show in the local machine with serve_site, however changes won't update in the website. Changes for other sections such as resume are updated on the website. Here is link to blog - https://knitdata.org/ and repo at https://github.com/knitdata/minrblog. The site is built with blogdown, hugo(academic theme) and deployed through netlify. No issues with production deploys.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Maybe it's some temporary cache on your side. I have read few of your last commits than modify existing posts and I can see changes on your web. E.g. the last commit shows properly, this sentence is new:
Deploing changes through git, GitHub and Netlify can take some time and can be cached somewhere. So when visiting your web after some change, try to force refresh (e.g. by Ctrl+Shift+R
, if you use Chrome-based browser).