I would like to reference a dynamic img src in my React component.
<img src={`/assets/provider-logos/${provider.providerId.toLowerCase()}.png`} alt={`${provider.providerId.toLowerCase()}-logo`} />
My current webpack-config
has a file-loader
rule like so:
test: /\.(png|gif|jpg|svg|ico)$/,
// include: imgPath,
// csp policy complains about using inline images - using individual files instead
use: "file-loader?name=assets/[name]-[hash].[ext]",
How do I reference the img dynamically if it has renamed by with a hash?
Can think of 2 options in this scenario.
1 Create a jsx file with all the images and export them as a module. E.g. // The below will be a file say _images.jsx
import file1 from 'path';
import file2 from 'path';
import abc from 'src/assests/abc.png';
export { file1, file2, abc };
Where file1 , file2 with be the image names you are expecting your provider to use.
2 Make sure your build outputs the images in a dist folder and you have specified the path to the files on the server.
<img src={SERVERPATH + `/assets/provider-logos/....
In this case you are specifying the actual image path of the file.