Let's say that I have an Obj with data describing multiple entities. I want to output it like this (CSV, HTML, Format-Table, whatever):
Property Code Property descr. Entity1 Entity2 Entity3
abs_de234 abs prop for de 132 412 412
abs_fe234 abs prop for fe 423 432 234
... ... ... ... ...
I would use something like:
$ObjData | % {Select-Object @{Label = "Property Code"; Expression = {$_.propcode}}, @{Label = "Property Desc."; Expression = {$_.descr}}, @{Label = "Entity1"; Expression = {$_.entity1}}, @{Label = "Entity2"; Expression = {$_.entity2}},@{Label = "Entity3"; Expression = {$_.entity3}} }| Format-Table
But what if my object has variable number of entities? Let's say these properties are all in an array:
$EntityList = @('Entity1', 'Entity2', 'Entity4', 'Entity5', 'Entity5')
How, based on $EntityList
I can construct corresponding Select-Object
Upd.: Based on Help for Select-Object
[-InputObject <PSObject>]
[[-Property] <Object[]>]
[-ExcludeProperty <String[]>]
[-ExpandProperty <String>]
[-Last <Int32>]
[-First <Int32>]
[-Skip <Int32>]
Does this mean I should be able to just use Select-Object -Property $EntityList
| % {Select-Object
Don't use %
(the ForEach-Object
cmdlet) to pipe to Select-Object
- pipe directly to Select-Object
@{Label = "Entity1"; Expression = {$_.entity1}}
Unless you need to change the case of the label (property) name, just pass entity1
to Select-Object
As with any cmdlet parameter that accepts an array of objects, you're free to pass the array either as an array literal (with the elements enumerated one by one with ,
) or as a previously constructed array passed via a variable:
# Properties that need renaming.
# Note: Unless you need to *transform* the input property value,
# you don't strictly need a *script block* ({ ... }) and can use
# a *string* with the property name instead.
# E.g., instead of {$_.propcode} you can use 'propcode'
$propDefs =
@{Label = "Property Code"; Expression = {$_.propcode}},
@{Label = "Property Desc."; Expression = {$_.descr}}
# Add properties that can be extracted as-is:
$propDefs += 'Entity1', 'Entity2', 'Entity4', 'Entity5', 'Entity5'
# Note: Passing the array *positionally* implies binding to the -Property parameter.
$ObjData | Select-Object $propDefs # add Format-Table, if needed, for display formatting
To demonstrate:
# Sample input object
$ObjData = [pscustomobject] @{
propcode = 'pc'
descr = 'descr'
Entity1 = 'e1'
Entity2 = 'e2'
Entity3 = 'e3'
Entity4 = 'e4'
Entity5 = 'e5'
$propDefs =
@{Label = "Property Code"; Expression = {$_.propcode}},
@{Label = "Property Desc."; Expression = {$_.descr}}
$propDefs += 'Entity1', 'Entity2', 'Entity3', 'Entity4', 'Entity5'
$ObjData | Select-Object $propDefs
The above yields:
Property Code : pc
Property Desc. : descr
Entity1 : e1
Entity2 : e2
Entity3 : e3
Entity4 : e4
Entity5 : e5