Sorting with AutoHotkey by "CL" results in an optimal order in the word column (sorted alphanumerically from top to bottom: 1, 2, 10, 11, a, ä, aa, aä and so on).
frequency_word :=
"2 bb
2 aa
1 b
1 a
3 bbb
3 aaa"
Sort, frequency_word, CL
; Sort, frequency_word, R
MsgBox, 262144, Note, % frequency_word
1 a
1 b
2 aa
2 bb
3 aaa
3 bbb
If "Sort, frequency_word, R" is then used, the result is as follows:
3 bbb
3 aaa
2 bb
2 aa
1 b
1 a
Here, only the order of the numbers in the first column is to be sorted in descending order from top to bottom, without changing the order of the word column. It should then look like this:
3 aaa
3 bbb
2 aa
2 bb
1 a
1 b
With R N
frequency_word :=
1 a
1 b
2 aa
2 bb
the output is:
2 aa
2 bb
1 b
1 a
Here is a relevant source:
Variables created by regex can be stored in an array to sort the elements (