I have this snippet:
"Creates async dux modules": {
"prefix": "dux-async",
"body": [
"// Duck module",
"export const ${1:ModuleName}_REQUEST = \"${1}_REQUEST\";",
"export const ${1}_SUCCESS = \"${1}_SUCCESS\";",
"export const ${1}_ERROR = \"${1}_ERROR\";",
" * State interface formodule",
" */",
"export interface ${1/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}State {",
When I tab into my snippet, I want to write FOO
, and when I tab off, I want the last line of the snippet to be transformed to:
export interface FooState {
It appears capitalize doesn't lowercase the trailing characters, so I end up with:
export interface FOOState
Is there someway to ensure the first character is uppercase and the others are all lowercase?
"export interface ${1/(.)(.*)/${1:/capitalize}${2:/downcase}/}State {"
works. As you have seen ${1:/capitalize}
will only affect the first letter - it has no effect on the others. So if you want to change both, you will have to split up your regex unfortunately.