I'm trying to calculate the pending amount via models and export result in the csv. But the csv shows an empty column for amountpending
class FinancePendingResource(resources.ModelResource):
invoiceNumber = Field(attribute='invoiceNumber', column_name='Invoice Number')
student = Field(attribute='student', column_name='Student')
Schedule = Field(attribute='Schedule', column_name='Schedule')
TotalAmount = Field(attribute='TotalAmount', column_name='Total Value(PKR ₨)')
issueDate = Field(attribute='issueDate', column_name='Issue Date')
dueDate = Field(attribute='dueDate', column_name='Due Date')
amountPaid = Field(attribute='amountPaid', column_name='Amount Paid (PKR ₨)')
class Meta:
model = FinancePending
import_id_fields = ('invoiceNumber',)
fields = ('invoiceNumber', 'student', 'amountPaid', 'issueDate', 'dueDate', 'Schedule', 'TotalAmount',
exclude = ('id',)
skip_unchanged = True
report_skipped = True
def before_export(self, queryset, *args, **kwargs):
amount_paid = FinancePending.objects.values_list('amountPaid', flat=True)
amount_paid = list(amount_paid)
total_amount = FinancePending.objects.values_list('TotalAmount', flat=True)
total_amount = list(total_amount)
# total - paid
TotalFee = [float(s.replace(',', '')) for s in total_amount]
AmountPaid = [float(s.replace(',', '')) for s in amount_paid]
def Diff(li1, li2):
return (list(set(li1) - set(li2)))
amount_pending = Diff(TotalFee, AmountPaid)
finance_pending = FinancePending()
i = 1
while i <= len(amount_pending):
i = i + 1
Assuming that you have the data to compute amountPending
already in the dataset, perhaps you don't need to read from the DB: you could calculate the amount by processing the dataset in memory. This could be done in after_export()
. Then you can added the computed column to the dataset.
Perhaps tablib's dynamic columns can assist in adding the amountPending
import decimal
import tablib
headers = ('invoiceNumber', 'amountPaid', 'totalAmount')
rows = [
('inv100', '100.00', "500.00"),
('inv101', '200.00', "250.00")
def amount_pending(row):
return decimal.Decimal(row[2]) - decimal.Decimal(row[1])
data = tablib.Dataset(*rows, headers=headers)
data.append_col(amount_pending, header="amountPending")
This will produce the following:
inv100 |100.00 |500.00 |400.00
inv101 |200.00 |250.00 |50.00