Search code examples

add column on a nested relationship

Is it possible to add a column on a nested relationship ?

For example, i have the following tables

- id
- title

- id
- title
- parent_id
- group_id

- id
- title
- replies_count
- category_id

I want to do the following

class GroupController extends Controller {

public function index(){
return Groups::with(['categories'])->get()

class Category extends Model{

protected $withCount = ['threads'];

Therefore, when i eager-load the 'categories' i also eager-load each the threads associated with each category. But i want also to add a new column on the category model, with the some of the replies_count, the same as withCount.

For example

groups => [
"id" => 1,
"title" => "some-title"
"categories" => [
 "id" => 1,
 "title" => "category-title",
 "threads_count" => 2,
 "replies_count_sum" => 5

In the example above, the group with id=1 has a category associated with it, and the category has 2 threads associated with it and the total number of replies on these 2 threads are 5


  • you should be able to do it using withCount and sub Query Join

    $repliesSumCountForCategory=Threads::selectRaw('category_id,sum(replies_count) as replies_count_sum')->groupBy('category_id');

    i did not get the chance to test it, please let me know if it helps ...