I am trying to wrap a structure with another structure, but definitely i am missing something
i want to show it like this
account: {
"name": "Example Account",
"details": "https://www.example.com"
i am trying this function, but i am missing something, probably i should use structmap, not sure
<cffunction name="SO">
<cfargument name="name" required="true" type="struct">
<cfargument name="data" required="true" type="struct">
<cfloop collection="#arguments.Data#" index="i">
<cfset arguments.Name['#lcase(i)#'] = arguments.Data[i]>
<cfreturn arguments.Name>
When I first looked at this, I thought you essentially wanted to have a new struct with a "name" (containing a string) and a "data" containing a struct.
Your initial setup is essentially
<cfset name = "Test" >
<cfset data = { details: "detail1" , details2: "detail2" } >
When dealing with most data structures in CF, I usually find it much easier and cleaner to work with CFSCRIPT instead of tags. So I came up with
function SO ( required String name, required Struct data ) {
var retval = { name:"",data:{} } ;
retval.name = arguments.name ;
arguments.data.map( function(key, val) {
retval.data[key.lcase()] = val ;
} ) ;
return retval;
writedump( SO(name,data) ) ;
Trying to unwind this, it appears that all you're trying to do is add a "name" value to your "data" struct. This can easily be done with
<cffunction name="SO_tags">
<cfargument name="name" required="true" type="string">
<cfargument name="data" required="true" type="struct">
<cfset retval2 = arguments.data >
<cfset retval2.name = arguments.name>
<cfreturn retval2>
<cfset structure = {"account":SO_tags(name,data)}>
<cfdump var = #structure#>
Or using script, it can come down to just a single line.
function SO3 ( required String name, required Struct data ) {
return arguments.data.append( {"name":arguments.name} ) ;
writedump( {"account":SO3(name,data)} ) ;
Depending on how this fits into the rest of your code, you may not even need a function.
EDIT: Changed output to nest it within an "account" structure.