I am having this sample table below
| WIN 10 | Home |
| WIN 10 | Pro |
| WIN 10 | Pro for Workstations |
| Linux | Ubuntu |
| Linux | Red Hat |
| Linux | Fedora |
I would like to change it (transpose) to have result like seen below using MySQL
| WIN 10 | Home,Pro,Pro for Workstations |
| Linux | Ubuntu,Red Hat,Fedora |
Could you please help me with that? I have tried everything I could using this forum and I am not able to get the result I need, thank you very much for your help
In mysql You could use group_concat
select product, group_concat(type)
from my_table
group by product
or with order by
select product, group_concat(type order by type)
from my_table
group by product
for BigSQL the equivalent function should be LISTAGG(type)