From a django query values_list() I have a list of 4 tuples, ie
[('AAA', '123', 'xyz', '111'), ('BBB', '456', 'uvw', '222'), ...]
What I Want is a multiple lists of two tuples, joined on the last element of each tuple, ie
[('AAA', '111'), ('BBB', '222'), ...]
[('123', '111'), ('456', '222'), ...]
[('xyz', '111'), ('uvw', '222'), ...]
I have it working by executing multiple queries in django and getting a values list for the first column with the second one
(myQuery).values_list('col1', 'idCol')
(myQuery).values_list('col2', 'idCol')
(myQuery).values_list('col3', 'idCol')
This solution, however, executes multiple queries, which I dont think is as good for performance.
so I was wondering if there is a way to do what I showed above, converting a list of 4 tuples to three lists of 2 tuples, so that I can use a singe query, and select all of the values at once
Sorry for the ambiguity, hopefully this gives an idea of what I want to accomplish,
A complete function would look like this,
l1=[('AAA', '123', 'xyz', '111'), ('BBB', '456', 'uvw', '222')]
def f(l):
for i in l1:
for j in range(len(i)-1):
l2.append((i[j], i[-1]))
return l2
[('AAA', '111'), ('123', '111'), ('xyz', '111'), ('BBB', '222'), ('456', '222'), ('uvw', '222')]
then you can seperate each element from the list l2
to get your output.