Is there a way in Octave to use anonymous functions inside of a function? I want to avoid having a dependency between the function file and the config file. The link to the config file should only be from inside main.m.
My project has the following file structure:
% config.m
ms2kmh = @(v) v * 3.6;
% main.m
% application_xy.m
x = 1;
y = 2;
A = function_xy(x, y)
% function_xy.m
function A = function_xy(x, y)
source('config.m'); % <-- want to avoid this line
A = x * ms2kmh(y);
thank you
Sounds like you are trying to create an object with state (in this case, the x, y inputs, and the desired function handle). E.g.
% @application_xy/application_xy.m
function Obj = application_xy(x, y, fhandle)
Obj = struct( 'x', x, 'y', y, 'f', fhandle );
Obj = class( Obj, 'application_xy' );
% @application_xy/function_xy.m
function A = function_xy(Obj)
A = Obj.x * Obj.f( Obj.y );
% config.m
ms2kmh = @(v) v * 3.6;
% main.m
MyObj = application_xy(1, 2, ms2kmh );
A = function_xy( MyObj )
This is the manual entry on object oriented programming in octave if you're not too familiar with it and would like to read more.