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My Userdefault is not saving data and its not being mapped by ObjectMapper in swift

I want a customer to sign up and after entering the data its mapped to a user default and saved there and when i want to verify the user i call a function Verify that gets the data that is saved from the user to verify the user yet the mapping of data in GET is not working

var UserInfoDefualts: UserModel {
    set {
        let userJson = try! JSONEncoder().encode(newValue)
        let jsonString = String(data: userJson, encoding: .utf8)!
        KeychainWrapper.standard.set(jsonString, forKey: "UserData")
    get {
        let userJosn = KeychainWrapper.standard.string(forKey: "UserData") ?? ""

        let userData = Mapper<UserModel>().map(JSONString: userJosn) ?? UserModel()
        return userData

The get is not mapping the data userdata is always NIL, where in teh set its Filled properly

The SignUp Function

@IBAction func continueButtonClicked(_ sender: UIButton) {
ApiServices.shared.signUp(name: fullName.text!, number: phoneNumber.text!, gender: 1, date: birthDate.text!) { (result, statusCode) in
    if statusCode == 200 {
        let userData = result
        UserInfoDefualts = userData
        ScreenLoader().pushVC(rootView: self, viewController: Verify_VC)
           // Shared.logIn(userData: userData)



The verify function

    @IBAction func verifyClicked(_ sender: Any) {
        var data = UserInfoDefualts
        ApiServices.shared.verifyUser(userID: UserInfoDefualts.userId ?? 0, otpCode: self.code) { (result, statusCode) in
            if statusCode == 200 {
                ScreenLoader().pushVC(rootView: self, viewController: Welcome_VC)


  • In the structs replace Encodable with Codable and remove all code related to ObjectMapper

    Then replace the computed property with

    var userInfoDefaults: UserModel? {
        set {
            let userJson = try! JSONEncoder().encode(newValue!)
            let jsonString = String(data: userJson, encoding: .utf8)!
            KeychainWrapper.standard.set(jsonString, forKey: "UserData")
        get {
            guard let userJosn = KeychainWrapper.standard.string(forKey: "UserData") else { return nil }
            let data = Data(userJosn.utf8)
            do {
              return try JSONDecoder().decode(UserModel.self, from: data)
            } catch {
              return nil

    As UserModel has no custom initializer the computed property must be an optional. So you have to write in the IBAction

    guard let data = userInfoDefaults else { return }