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Not able to install feature -Engine Module

I am trying to install feature-engine module on anaconda this is the error i am getting Package is not available from current channels repo.anaconda win 64 , noarch etc. Can you please help me with the problem? Thanks, RD


  • I believe that feature-engine is not available through anaconda channels for installation with conda install. I was able to install it via pip. Here is how I did it (in Windows):

    1. open a CMD and run conda activate <<VIRTUALENV>>. This is the environment you create for your project. If you have not created one, then use base, the default one.
    2. cd to the location of your pip installation within that activated conda Virtual environment (mine was within my user folder in \AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\envs\<<VIRTUALENV>>\Scripts).
    3. in there, run pip install feature-engine
    4. you should now be able to see it listed under pip freeze or pip list, but not under conda list.
    5. Finally, go to your code location and run the code. remember to activate that same <> each time you open a new CMD to run it.

    Hope it helps.