I have been trying to achieve a result for my mongodb documents. My documents look like this:
"_id" : "97f98668-bdc0-441c-ab12-15c0f4313e30",
"row_id" : "927b1d4f-6357-44af-8cdb-daca7a6f89fd",
"data" : {
"info" : [
"name" : "dog",
"value" : [
"score" : 42
/* 2 */
"_id" : "f1994888-8c22-4d29-8523-4ff3c504665a",
"row_id" : "927b1d4f-6357-44af-8cdb-daca7a6f89fd",
"data" : {
"info" : [
"name" : "dog",
"value" : [
"score" : 70
/* 3 */
"_id" : "6522979b-68f3-4f62-859c-93786b23caaa",
"row_id" : "927b1d4f-6357-44af-8cdb-daca7a6f89fd",
"data" : {
"info" : [
"name" : "cat",
"value" : [
"score" : 62
I want to group them by their row_id
first and then by info.name
. The final structure looks like this:
"row_id": "927b1d4f-6357-44af-8cdb-daca7a6f89fd",
"info" : [
"name" : "dog",
"values" : [
{"value": "2", "score": 70},
{"value": "3", "score": 42}
"name" : "cat",
"values" : [
{"value": "2", "score": 62}
I tried to do multiple grouping but didn't work as expected
Since you have nested objects in arrays, you'll have to $unwind the arrays first. The you can do $group
by row_id
and name
first, followed by $group
by row_id
$unwind: "$data.info" // unwind array first, you cannot group on objects inside an array
$unwind: "$data.info.value" // unwind value to have only one value per record
$group: {
_id: { // group by row_id and name
row_id: "$row_id",
name: "$data.info.name"
values: {
$push: {
value: "$data.info.value",
score: "$data.info.score"
$group: {
_id: "$_id.row_id", // group again by row_id only
data_info: {
$push: {
name: "$_id.name",
values: "$values"
$project: { // project to desired shape
_id: false,
row_id: "$_id",
data: {
info: "$data_info"