I am writing a simple dependency injection / inversion of control system based on a TDictionary holding abstract class references with their respective implementor classes.
My goals are:
Btw, I am aware that using class constructors to take advantage of smart linking and wanting the inclusion of a unit to be enough to make a class available are defeating each other. I want to use class constructors instead of initialization sections for other reasons as well. And I would like to keep all class initialization/registration code together instead of having to split it between the class constructor and initialization section.
I want the registration of the class into the factory to be in the class constructor. Unfortunately, the compiler doesn't think the class is "touched" by just using its type in its own class constructor.
When I put the registration function in the initialization section, then the compiler does think the class is touched and calls the class constructor. But that defeats the object of my exercise of keeping all class initialization code in the class constructor.
Two questions
The abstract classes used in the application:
TSite = class abstract (TObject)
function GetURL: string; virtual; abstract;
property URL: string read GetURL;
TSites = class (TList<TSite>);
TThisApplication = class abstract (TObject)
function Sites: TSites; virtual; abstract;
The concrete implementing class (declared in the implementation section!) for TThisApplication
TThisApplicationConcrete = class(TThisApplication)
class constructor ClassCreate;
strict private
FSites: TSites;
function Sites: TSites; override;
class constructor TThisApplicationConcrete.ClassCreate;
RegisterImplementorClass(TThisApplication, TThisApplicationConcrete);
function TThisApplicationConcrete.Sites: TSites;
SiteList: TSites;
if not Assigned(FSites) then begin
SiteList := TSites.Create; // Change to use factory
FSites := SiteList;
Result := FSites;
The function to get an instance of TThisApplication:
function ThisApplication: TThisApplication;
ImplementorClass: TClass;
ImplementorClass := GetImplementorClass(TThisApplication);
if Assigned(ImplementorClass) then begin
Result := ImplementorClass.Create as TThisApplication;
end else begin
Result := nil;
This is currently coded in a separate function, but it w/could be moved to the factory.
Full example code
If anybody would like to experiment, I have the full code of my test projects available at : http://www.bjsoftware.com/delphistuff/stackoverdlow/classconstructors.zip
Zip contents:
Please bear in mind that at all times you need to do a "Build All Projecs" because all dcu's and exe's are going to the source dir and otherwise you are going to face a lot of errors and/or confusion because the exe isn't doing what its name indicates.
This is as expected. As Uwe pointed out, a self-referential class constructor isn't enough to trigger inclusion. Placing the reference in the initialization section will do the trick since that is outside the class itself. Trying to self-reference a class for inclusion is akin to trying pull yourself out of a deep hole by pulling on your own suspenders.